Light Colored - Pure Red Brazilian Cherry Head Redfoot Tortoise-6 Month Old (Geochelone carbonaria)
Cherry Headed Red Footed Tortoises are a very pretty, slightly smaller version of the classic Red Footed Tortoise. Their head and leg scales are often bright red or orange and some are born with lighter shells.
Size: Generally reaches 11 to 14 inches in length. They remain a size that most can handle and show a variation of colors.
Enclosure: Best kept outdoors in an enclosure that they cannot escape from. As hatchlings, they should be kept in a 2x3 enclosure with a top to secure from predators. Increase in size as they grow. ***Bigger is always better***
Diet: Always want to eat and rarely turn down a meal. The best stable diet is grass and leaves. As hatchlings they eat fresh greens such as romaine lettuce, dandelion, collard greens, kale, turnip greens, and any of the darker lettuce types. Mazuri tortoise diet is offered occasionally as well to help supplement any nutrition they are lacking. They need a little more protein than other species. Some keepers offer insects as a supplement.
Water: With outdoor enclosures, small water dishes should be placed. As hatchlings, they should be soaked in a shallow bowl of water, twice a week for 15 to 30 minutes to be fully hydrated.
Handling: Tortoises generally should not be handled with any regularity. They are easily stressed when over handled. These stress issues can lead to decline in activity level and health.